Agile + DevOps East in November

Agile + DevOps East 2018
Agile + DevOps East 2018

I’m extremely happy to report that I will be speaking at Agile + DevOps East in November in Orlando! I recently attended Better Software West in Las Vegas by TechWell (the same organizer of this one in November) and was very happy with how it was run. I’m very excited about this opportunity.

Session Details

I will be giving a workshop called Pushing Pennies: Playing with the Principles of Product Development Flow. Specifically, we’ll be doing a modified version of the Modified Scrum Penny Game I wrote about when I was at Velocity Partners. The goal of the session is not to simply teach people about some principles of product development flow, but to provide them the games so they can teach it to their teams and their managers. It will be a quick intro with a lot of action, so I hope you can make it.

My session is on Wednesday, November 7th at 1:30 pm. You can read the conference session information here.

Conference Details

Renaissance Orland at SeaWorld
Renaissance Orland at SeaWorld

The conference is going to be held at the Renaissance Orlando at Sea World in Orlando, Florida. You can find more information here about the venue. The conference itself is Wednesday and Thursday with some two-day, full-day, and half-day workshops on Monday and Tuesday. Friday is the leadership summit which has some great opportunities to learn from some of the best in the field.

Why You Should Attend

Exercises and games are critical components of the learning process. Especially because some lean and agile concepts are a bit counter-intuitive, having some practical experience on why something works is a powerful statement. This session is going to give everyone the hands-on experience of working with the games and provides them the opportunity to ask deeper questions about the concepts. And people can take these games back with them to their organizations and teams to have the same conversations and change some of the anti-patterns that we see.

Closing Thoughts

I love speaking at conferences because it gives me the opportunity to have the “light bulb” moments that I get in teaching but with a different audience. These conferences open up people to new experiences, new knowledge, and many “light bulb” moments. I hope you’ll come and join me in November!

Happy coaching, my friends!

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